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Meet Daniel Sher


Having lived with Type 1 Diabetes for over 30 years, I have a keen appreciation for the interconnectedness of brain, body and behaviour. In my work, I'm passionate about using scientific knowledge to help others understand and change their relationship to these three variables in order to improve their lives and overall well being.


I completed my MA in Clinical Psychology at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2014 and while working at UCT’s Child Guidance Clinic, I was trained in various psychotherapy and psychological assessment approaches. In 2015, I received internship training through Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital, with placements at Male Admissions (Valkernberg), Hanover Park Clinic, Alexandra Hospital (Intellectual Disability Unit) and Groote Schuur’s J2 Psychiatry Clinic. In 2016, I completed my community service year at Khayelitsha District Hospital. 

Since qualifying, I've worked in private practice with a focus on psychological diabetes care and providing neuropsychological support and medico-legal services for those suffering from a wide range of brain-based disorders.


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